George Bissett Elementary

GBES Weekly Family Forecast (May 29- June 3)

Dear Families,

The final month of school is approaching fast. Although most would think that things are beginning to wind down, it is completely the opposite. The speed of school has picked up pace. The children are aware that learning is ongoing, and the expectations continue to be high for student achievement. This week our pre-primaries will be spending time with school staff doing some activities so we can get to know them a little better. Our final SAC meeting of the school year takes place on Monday.

2022-2023 School Calendar

Next year’s School Calendar was shared with HRCE families last Thursday. Click on the link to check it out:

2022-2023 School Calendar

School Supplies

Teachers are beginning to create school supplies lists for next year. You can pick up supplies on your own or give the school $40.00 to purchase supplies for your child. We are asking that all families complete this School Supply Google Form by clicking on this link:  so that we gather an accurate count of how many families want the school to purchase school supplies. You will receive a School Cash Online email with a link to make a payment this week or you may choose to give cash to the office if choose to have the school purchase classroom supplies.


Subway lunch takes place tomorrow Little Caesar’s Pizza hot lunch takes place on Wednesday.


Have a great week!


Jimmy Hurley
George Bissett



Monday, May 30                SAC Meeting


June 6-10                          Final Fire Drill
Tuesday, June 21              Field Day
Thursday, June 23             Field Day (rain date)
Monday, June 27               Tentative Date for Grade 6 Moving Up Ceremony
Tuesday, June 28              Grade 6 Field Trip
Wednesday, June 29         Assessment Day
Thursday, June 30             Last Day of School